U susret premijeri filma “Terminator Spasenje“ koja nas 3. juna ocekuje u Sava Centru pogledajte klipove iz filma. U zeljno ocekivanom nastavku “Terminator” serijala, smestenom u post-apokalipticnu 2018, Kristijan Bejl glumi Dzona Konora, coveka cija je sudbina da predvodi pokret otpora ljudi protiv kompanije Skajnet i njene vojske Terminatora.

Volvo – The Game from SimBin is being released today and features not only the very latest S60 Concept but also a blast from the past with some rare and iconic racing legends. Just download the game and make your car selection among the historic beasts like the 240 Turbo Group A next to the very latest Volvo cars like the C30 and S60 Concept and test your driving skills on the two included real world circuits. One person who definitely will play Volvo – The Game is Swedish racing star Robert Dahlgren

SANTA CLARA, May 26, 2009 – Intel Corporation today previewed a new Intel® Xeon processor codenamed “Nehalem-EX.” The processor will be at the heart of the next generation of intelligent and expandable high-end Intel server platforms, which will deliver a number of new technical advancements and boost enterprise computing performance. In production later this year, the Nehalem-EX processor will feature up to eight cores inside a single chip supporting 16 threads and 24Mb of cache.

Nova Intelova platforma Atom, kodnog naziva Pine Trail, odvratiće proizvođače grafičkih čipova od namera da dizajniraju grafički adapter namenjen radu sa procesorima Atom. Početak isporuke Pine Traila planiran je za drugu polovinu ove godine i slično prethodnoj generaciji platforme Atom, dizajnirana je za male niskobudžetne prenosive i stone računare koji su još poznati i pod imenom Internet računari. Novi Pineview čip integriše grafički adapter sa memorijskim kontrolerom i procesorskim jezgrom u jednu višenamensku centralnu procesorsku jedinicu, čime smanjuje broj nezavisnih čipova na dva, za razliku od prethodne generacije Atom platforme koja se sastojala iz tri čipa.